Drawing with Dip Pens and… The New Piece

Greetings, greetings, greetings. We’ve had a fantastic January here in Kerikeri. Amongst building furniture, we’ve managed to fit in two rounds of overseas guests, celebrated Christmas and New Year’s, played golf, and visited multiple waterfalls. It’s been a blast. Vinnie, however, is exhausted and ready to reclaim the house.

Vinnie With Christmas Antlers

I’ve kicked off the year with a real creative boost. I’m feeling inspired and excited by design. Has anyone out there had a try drawing with a dip pen? I’m new to the dip pen world but really interested. There is so much potential for line variation and expression with dip pens and I’m hoping this will introduce more depth to my furniture sketches.

If you’re curious, jump on Google and check out what can be achieved with a dip pen. It’s inexpensive to get started and makes you feel rather traditional. Here is me ignoring my soup in a very traditional way.

Lloyd With Dip Pen

If anyone knows a bit about pen drawing, I’m all ears and have a lot to learn, I’d love to hear from you.

This January, I’ve been pouring an absurd amount of time into one solitary project. It’s under wraps for now, but I’m excited to share it once I’ve put together a video that properly explains the piece and its context. The new piece will complement this wall hung media unit.

If you’ve been following my instagram stories lately, you may have an idea…

Wall Hung Cabinet

Has anyone had a go at oiling some pieces over summer? Please, if you have any questions, just get in touch. From time to time I’m asked Also, anyone having a go at any furniture restoration or making themselves, get in contact for advice anytime, I’m only a phone call away.