After slow, sporadic beginnings, coupled with long and extended absences, meditating has slowly entrenched itself to become a vital aspect of my life.
Now, it exists in its own right and demands more of myself than I demand of it.
Without meditation, I make overly complicated design decisions, arrhythmic saw cuts and impatience begins to murmur. With meditation, well, things are a bit better.
I don’t have any techniques to speak of, psychedelic clothing or special chants but what I do have is my trusty stool.
I’ve only made one and have used it every session for about three years now.
Like most, I suffer from back pain when seated in cross-legged positions but I’ve found this Seiza style bench to put the spine into a position that offers no pain.
It is for this reason I’ve decided to put it on the website as an item for purchase.
It is by no means an original design but what I have brought to the table are hand-cut dovetails and a carving of the tree of life.